The 100+ acre site offers flexible plots for sale allowing you to develop accommodation which best suits your business requirements.
At Skylon Park you have the opportunity to build a workspace that is made specifically to fit your needs and the way your business operates.
While we have created a Masterplan, we are inviting businesses to design their own premises within our space following some core design and environmental standards will ensure consistency and quality. These design guidelines are flexible and allow for a range of configurations to fit your requirements.
All necessary services and infrastructure are already in place and we have land available to buy for immediate development and occupation.
Skyon Park is one contained area and with some of the lowest land values in the UK, representing excellent value for money. We will work with you to help you purchase the right amount of land to meet your needs.
The Hereford Enterprise Zone is supported by a Local Development Order (LDO) which makes planning free and simple for new investors.
The LDO is a simplified form of planning permission which permits certain forms of development, avoiding the need for individual planning applications to be made where proposals accord with the aspirations for the Enterprise Zone.
All development covered by this LDO will also be exempt from Section 106 obligations and future Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) requirements.
We have land available to buy for immediate development, giving you the ability to build a custom premises to fit your individual requirements. For the most up to date information, please check our availability page.
Land for sale