An enhanced bus service to and from the Hereford Enterprise Zone will launch at the end of October.
The 78A/78X service, operated by Yeomans Travel, will offer up to two buses an hour from the city centre to Skylon Park from October 31 (78/78X timetable).
There are currently no buses on the route between 9am and 4.30pm. The new service will run from Monday to Friday starting at 6.45am and ending at 6.25pm.
The route will start and end at the city bus station with stops in Rotherwas at Thorn Offices and Foxwood Court as well as Winston Road, Tesco Express at Putson, and Marlbrook Road.
The extra provision aims to encourage more of the 3,000 people who work in the Zone to adopt more sustainable ways to travel to work.
The bus service is part of a package of measures in the Rotherwas Travel Plan initiative including a proposed scheme for a new cycleway along the Straight Mile and grants for businesses to provide pool bikes, changing facilities for cyclists, video-conferencing equipment and more.
Chairman of the Enterprise Zone Board Bill Jackson, who is also Herefordshire’s High Sherriff, said the launch of the improved bus service was very welcome.
“We are fully committed to making travel and transport linked to the Enterprise Zone as sustainable as possible while making access to and from Skylon Park as easy as possible.
“The bus service is an important step in that direction and we would encourage as many people as possible who work in the Enterprise Zone to make use of it.”
Allan Field, Schedules Manager at Yeomans, said: “We are pleased to be working with the Hereford Enterprise Zone to provide an enhanced bus service to Skylon Park. Our network tickets allow travel on all our city bus services including the journeys to Rotherwas.”