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Review of Hereford Enterprise Zone Local Development Order (LDO)

Consultation is now live on a revised Local Development Order (LDO) for certain types of development for Hereford Enterprise Zone and will run until 15 February 2019.

A LDO was first adopted in 2013, and helps to simplify planning procedures, thereby saving time, and reducing costs in order to attract businesses to the Enterprise Zone, promote growth and secure new or safeguard existing job opportunities.

The LDO was time limited and it is proposed to revise the LDO for a further 5 year period.

Principle changes to the LDO include:

  • Progressing the 5 hectare extension area to the south of the estate adjacent to Rotherwas Access Road which was identified in the Core Strategy.
  • A small extension to the east.
  • Rolling the LDO forward for a further 5 years.
  • Minor changes to the conditions relating to flood management measures and sustainable design requirements.
  • Removal of two areas previously considered to be archaeologically sensitive following investigations that indicate they are not now available for development.
  • The addition of two further areas of archaeological sensitivity.
  • Greater emphasis on development connecting to the mains sewerage system. 

For more information please visit

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